Fishing is practiced all around the world, and the idea dates back well before the written word. Today, anglers have all kinds of options for how to go fishing, and one popular option is to go fly fishing. This is most often done in or near cold water streams rather than near the open ocean, and anglers doing this may look for specialized fly rod reels, custom fly reels, and of course, the bait itself. That, and fly fishers may get the right outfit for their upcoming fly fishing session, since it often involve standing in the stream’s middle. Many outdoor equipment retailers may have fly rod reels for sale, and an interested customer may ask for those fly rod reels in particular for a more efficient fishing trip. With fly rod reels and line and the bait in hand, an angler is ready. How does this all work?
Go Fly Fishing
Fly fishing is, speaking broadly, loosely similar to conventional fishing, but there are some alterations. One major difference is that fly fishing involves a bait that is too light to use for sending the line far out. That is what conventional fishing does, but instead, fly fishing is based more on sending out the line itself rather than having heavy bait drag the line along and control its motion. This calls for specialized casting methods that may take some practice, and the line will already be extended many feet out from the line at this point. The angler will have to use the right motions with their arm and the rod to maximize the distance the line covers.
Assuming that this is done correctly, the fly fishing line and bait will land gently on the water. This is to help the fly fisher mimic natural movements, and not scare off fish from splashy arrivals of heavy bait. Most often, this is done in streams, where cold water fish such as trout and salmon may try to eat that bait. Such bait may be artificial, designed and made to mimic insects with fur bits and feathers. Other times, bait such as crickets or grasshoppers may be used. It may be noted that in most times of the year, trout do most of their hunting deeper in the water, but during summer, they may go hunting for terrestrial insects, too. Thus, summer is a fine time to try and catch trout with fly fishing.
When a fish bites, the angler can jerk the rod’s tip upwards to set the hook in the fish’s mouth, and at this point, the angler can reel the fish in or control the tension with one hand, as needed. It may be noted that some anglers may choose to use barbless hooks, which are easier to remove from a caught fish’s mouth, which is important for catch-and-release fishing. And some conservation departments may require that fly fishers do this, to help protect local fish populations and prevent over-fishing. An angler may find signs to this effect in the area, or they may contact the local wildlife department to be sure.
What else might an angler need? As mentioned earlier, fly fishing takes place in or near cold water streams, and the angler may stand right in the stream’s middle. This is when the angler will wear tall, waterproof rubber boots to stay dry and comfortable while fishing, and fly fishing may sometimes be more effective from this position. Some of the tallest boots are in fact part of a set that’s more like overalls, from the feet to the leg to partway up the chest.