Summer is slipping away too quickly.
In an attempt to savor the last few weeks of long days, your husband and his posse are doing everything within their power to get out on the course as often as possible. After work, early on weekend mornings, and sometimes even on a late Friday afternoon, they are swinging their way through the last days of August and have big plans for the month of September.
In anticipation of the colder winter months, they even have plans to visit the local high definition golf simulators that are a part of a recently opened indoor driving complex. The biggest plan, however, is to take a winter get away trip during January. At a time when all of their children are grown and away at college, these dads are trying to recapture all of the previous times when they were not able to get in all of the golfing that they wanted.
High Definition Golf Simulators Help Enthusiasts Remotely Visit the Greatest Courses in the World
Whether you are someone who only gets out once a month or you are on three golf leagues in the summer, there will come a time when the weather will prevent you from getting out on the course. Fortunately, with the use of the latest high definition golf simulators many people are able to not only practice their drives during bad weather, but also virtually visit some of the most beautiful courses in the world.
From the highest golf course in the world is the Tactu Golf Club in Morococha, Peru, which sits 14,335 feet above sea level at its lowest point, to courses that just across the country, the most detailed high definition golf simulators take people to courses where they can practice their skills and enjoy the views.
Golf, like any sport, requires practice, and it should come as no surprise that there are many ways that top golf simulators can help players analyze their swings and even suggest improvements. And while a typical 18-hole golf course covers approximately 125 to 150 acres of land, it is important to note that a simulator can give you practice within a much shorter period of time. Obviously not a complete substitute for visiting courses in person, a golf simulator can help a player preview a course that they will be visiting in the future.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that golf and golfers are able to enjoy their sport, as well as some interesting notes about the game and its equipment:
- Golf began in Scotland more than 500 years ago.
- By 1900 there were more than 1000 golf clubs in America.
- In the year 2015 alone, a total of 2.2 million people took up the game of golf.
- Unfortunately, fewer than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day, and only 33% of adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. A brisk game of golf, especially if you walk instead of cart, is a great way to make sure you are not part of this inactive group.
- Although it is a goal of many, the chance of two holes in one in a single round are approximately 67 million to 1. In fact, even achieving a single hole in one is in itself a difficult task to achieve.
- Although a hole in one is difficult, there are many indications that golfers, as a whole, are making some major improvements. In fact, in the last 25 years, the average USGA handicap for a man has improved nearly two full strokes, from 16.3 to 14.4. In comparison, women have dropped their overall handicaps dropped from 29.7 in 1991 to 26.1 in 2016.
In addition to bringing enjoyment to golfers themselves, golf, as a whole, generates more than $3.9 billion in charitable giving every year, not just in the summer. Whether you want to go out for a solo walk in the morning or you are looking for a way to spend more time with family or friends, golf is a sport that can be played for many, many years. And even when the weather does not cooperate, there are many top golf simulators that still allow players to practice.