I saw a really funny sports video the other day online. This one dude was throwing a football and it hit this other dude in the face, and he went ballistic. Me and my friends were laughing and laughing. There is nothing more hilarious than funny sports videos.
My friend was telling me that he saw this funny sports video recently where a baseball player goes nuts when the umpire kicks him out of the game. The player is like, No way! And the ump is like, Yeah, you are outta here, and the player starts having like a total temper tantrum on the field. It was like he was 2 years old in this funny sports video. He was on the ground kicking and screaming and beating his fists on the grass. The other players are like, um what is going on here, and the umpire is just speechless. How do you deal with a grown man acting literally like a toddler? Oh, this was not major league baseball or anything like that. It was some company softball game, which makes it even more hilarious, I think. I wonder if that dude got fired the following Monday?
Another funny sports video my friends and I like to watch over and over again is this one about golf where two guys are golfing and one of them swings his club and accidentally hits the other dude in the posterior. The dude that gets hit jumps about 12 feet in the air, if you can believe that. The look on the face of the guy who hit him is priceless in this funny sports video. We watch it at every frat party we throw on campus.