Renting Boats
If you are looking at boat rentals, either for leisure or for a party, you may be unsure which type is best for you. To help make the decision just a little bit easier, here are a few reasons why pontoon rentals may be exactly what you need.
The Benefits Of Renting Pontoon Boats
- Family. Pontoon rentals are great for those who want to take the whole family out on the water. Because of their large open decks there is enough room for children to run and play without worrying about them getting into things they shouldn’t. A good way to describe pontoon boats is as big floating patios, and truthfully this is quite accurate. You can even set up portable grills! And, it’s not just your kids who will love spending time abroad either, family of all ages will enjoy the time spent out on the water.
- Fishing. Pontoon rentals are also perfect for fishing off of. With plenty of deck space to move around, and the ability to head into shallow waters, you can feel free to go wherever the fish are biting. Additionally, you can also attach rod holders to the railing and sit back until something takes the bait. In addition to that, you can also set up the grill and cook up your catch at the end of the day!
- Hard To Damage. When you venture into shallower waters, there is the potential to accidentally knock against rocks. In other types of boats this can cause terrible hull damage; however, pontoon boats are more prone to denting, rather than tearing. With pontoon rentals, this means you won’t have to worry about potentially tearing the hull if you bump into rocks, and instead and focus on enjoying your day out.
- Comfort. Pontoon rentals are also great options if you want comfort while out on the water. Many have spacious couches that can seat up to a dozen people comfortably. This means you can feel free to invite all of your friends out for a relaxing day on the water, without worrying about running out of room.
- Safety. Pontoon boats are also exceptionally hard to capsize, sink, or flip over. Because of their design they tend to float higher on the water, which can help keep the vessel stable when in use. The highest speed most models reach is around 20 to 30 miles per hour, so you can easily drag inflatable tubes, while not going fast enough to cause dangerous accidents. In addition to that, the deck is also lined with high rails to help prevent people, kids in particular, from falling overboard. The only thing you have to be aware of is rough waters, as they can get bouncy on rough waves due to them floating so high. However, with any boat, it’s never a good idea to be out on the water during rough or stormy weather.
- Storage. Pontoon boats are also great due to the high amount of storage space that they have. This means you will have ample space for food, fishing gear, blankets, spare clothing, and anything else you might need for a day out on the water!
Pontoon Rentals Are Fun!
Above all, pontoon boats are fun to take out and spend the day on! You can spend a relaxing day soaking in the sun, floating in a tube off the back, grilling, and enjoying the company of your friends and family, or alternatively you can head out early to your favorite fishing spots. There really are so many possibilities to be had on a pontoon boat. So if you are trying to decide on the perfect boat for you, ask your local marina about their pontoon boat rentals. They’ll be able to set you up and get you out on the water in no time!