Did You Know Golf First Originated In Scotland? Fun Facts About One Of The Most Popular Sports


What does your favorite sport say about you?

For some people their ideal way of getting out and getting fit is a strong representation of who they are. Those who love swimming can come off as nature lovers, particularly if they prefer dipping in the local river or visiting the beach over a gym pool. Others who like active, cooperative sports like soccer and basketball may be outgoing and assertive. What about people who love to play golf? This relaxing, yet intensive sport has been around for quite some time, only evolving as technology has and remaining one of the go-to choices for millions across the globe.

Perhaps you want to learn more about golf. Perhaps you’re wondering how home golf simulators can give you a taste of what you love at home. Let’s learn more about this popular sport below.

Have you ever wondered why golf always takes place somewhere lush, smooth and green? While that’s certainly a good way to keep an eye on the ball, this natural backdrop actually has its roots in history. Golf originally began in Scotland, well over 500 years ago, and was brought to the United States through immigration. Interestingly enough, historians have also traced the origin of golf through a few other surrounding cultures, though it went under different names and had somewhat different rules. Today golf is a popular sport enjoyed by millions.

By the time the 1900’s arrived there were over 1,000 golf clubs located around the United States. It’s not hard to find top golf simulators in your area, whether it’s a recreational establishment to brush up your skill among like-minded folk or home golf simulators for the whole family. A recent study conducted in 2015 found over two and a half million people took up the game of golf. On the whole? Golf generates more than $4 billion in charitable giving every single year. That’s pretty impressive when you consider the prevalence of other sports.

For those that are still interested in the cultural and historical details on golf, there’s a lot to enjoy when you start to dig. The highest golf course in the world is still the Tactu Golf Club in Morococha of Peru. It sits at over 14,000 feet above sea level at its lowest point and is considered something of a must-see for enthusiasts. The last 25 years also saw the average USGA handicap for a man improving by nearly two full strokes. For women the handicaps dropped from 29 in 1991 to 26 in 2016. But what other aspects can you gain from golf?

While golf isn’t as active as, say, football or basketball, it’s actually quite good for your physical and mental health. Golf involves a lot of standing, walking and carrying heavy equipment (unless you rely on a golf cart to do most of that for you), which is ideal for giving you the movement and fresh air you need to stay fit. It’s also a sport that relies heavily on concentration, which is perfect for those that need an outlet to focus their stress. The average driving distance for a golf course is 220 yards.

Home golf simulators are a great way to practice when you’re unable to make the trip to your golf course of choice. A golf simulator for home is much more advanced today than they were a decade ago, keeping a list of rules alongside clever programming to replicate a real game as closely as possible. You can introduce friends or family to the sport or just get in a few rounds before bed to relax. Today less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Golf is a great place to start, whether you’re the sporty type or not.

If you’re thinking of representing yourself in a sport, home golf simulators and outdoor golfing is a sound choice that has hundreds of years of love to spare. nike air max nike air max nike air max

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