You might be simply walking on your way home or just minding your business, and out of the blues, an attacker confronts you with an intention to rob or harm you. Your next move or reaction largely determines the consequences but three things are certain. You can choose to cooperate and give in to their demands, face the attacker, or run for your life.
You don’t have to run away from the aggressor, and there are several forms of mixed martial arts that you can use to secure your freedom or to ensure your safety. One of these forms of martial arts being jiu jitsu. The term mixed martial arts means a kind of combat that involves grappling and striking without necessarily using weapons.
Research shows that every day, the average American is exposed to a wide range of possible attacks that involve the use of knives and guns. This article sheds you some light on some of the three most common forms of martial arts that are applicable or used to various demographics. These include Brazilian jiu jitsu(BJJ), muay thai and tai chi
Brazillian jiu jitsu(BJJ)
Martial arts have been practiced for thousands of years with research tracing its origins to ancient India, where the religious art of yoga was used to understand the human body and energy. This forms of combat would later spread and develop into newer forms in China and Japan.
The evolution of martial arts has also given birth to Brazilian jiu jitsu. A jiu jitsu class is highly recommended for kids; it is, however, important to note that members belonging to slightly older demographics can also learn jiu jitsu. For younger people, jiu jitsu can play a crucial role in developing one’s character or personality.
If you have kids, some of the benefits of jiu jitsu include,
- Self-defense
- Responsibility
- Fitness
- Self-confidence
It is imperative to note that jiu jitsu for beginners is not a journey to a violent future. The key thing is to stay safe using BJJ.
Muay Thai
An exciting name for a martial arts that could probably see you drawing interest in learning more about it. Commonly referred to as the human weapon or the art of eight limbs, this form of martial arts traces its roots to Thailand. Its highest governing body is the International Federation of Muay Thai Amateur.
Why is it referred to as the art of eight limbs? Well, Muay Thai involves the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins. This form of martial arts focuses on defense and using your various body parts as the primary weapons. Learning it takes dedication, practice and a lot of patience. And just like all the other forms of martial arts, Muay should not be practiced or learned to be involved in violent crimes.
Another interesting fact worth noting about Muay Thai is that this form of martial arts can also be practiced as a competitive sport.
Tai chi
Ever heard of the saying that a healthy body means a healthy mind? This saying should make you think or bring you closer to the idea of tai chi. Tai chi is a form of martial arts that traces its roots to China, and Zhang Sanfeng is known as the father of tai chi.
This is a form of non-competitive martial arts that has interesting purposes, namely defense, meditation, and numerous health benefits. It is, however, worth noting that in this form of martial arts, the health and meditation benefits are the primary reasons that motivate its practice.
This makes tai chi the martial art of choice for the older population. If you belong to this demographic category or you happen to know someone who does, then it is recommended you jump on board.
Martial arts will help you and your children understand how to deal with confrontations of life without becoming targets or victims. Of course, the benefits apply to adults, but it would be better to learn them in early life. Statistics show that over 3.58 million Americans aged six years and above were participants in martial arts in 2016. So, if you’ve not started, it is time to learn. In no time, you will experience some of the highlighted benefits of martial arts.